Friday, March 12, 2010


The Wanderer woke. Rubbing his eyes, he sat up. Looking over, Ed was dead asleep. Wanderer got up and pulled the curtains open. Bright sun flooded into the room and Ed started to stir.

"What da fuck... Close the damn curtains."

"It lives! Where the hell did you sneak off to last night?"

"Had to run a small errand."

Wanderer opened up the door and picked up the complimentary newspaper to see a ruin that looked vaguely like the British parliament buildings.

"Hey, did you know that somebody nuked the British parliament?"

"Some guy was babbling about it in a bar but I didn't think he was serious."

Wanderer stepped back into the room, noticing that Ed's passport was out. "Where'd you go again?"

"I went to England for a Guinness and to nuke the parliament buildings, whaddaya think?"

"Sorry. Anyway, we better get cracking."

"I hope you're not starting a drug habit."

"Nah, but I've heard some neat things about synthetic fibres. I wanna boogey over to Las Vegas by evening. I'm having my annual get together with Moon Runner."

Ed pulled the pillow over his head.

"Come on we've gotta get breakfast and hit the road Ed!"

"Ahh, I feel sick."

"Probably just jetlag."

"Yeah two supersonic flights can really hit ya in the old pit."


Ed dragged his carcass out of bed, and his cerebral cortex switched into slow mode. They went down and had breakfast, then were off breaking speed limits in their new wheels.

"So where ya meetin’ this dude?"

"The Burning Sands Hotel. Moon Runner has a neat way to win at poker there."

"I'll bet."

"You ever meet him."

"I ran into 'im once, but he tripped off in a hurry."

"Yeah, that sounds like him. Never in the same place long enough to disturb the air."

The road stretched out before them and became a single endless line to the horizon and they both fell asleep. Luckily the car was in autopilot, one of those new options that is only being tested in a few vehicles.

{Convenient, huh?}

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