Friday, September 4, 2009

PART IV - The Weigh In

The Holy Ghost adjusted the scale. "Even weights. This'll be a close match, boys."

The Old Messiah and the New Messiah glared into each other's eyes. "Goood."

They went into their dressing rooms. The New Messiah started flipping through last year's criminal code from Follicle, New Jersey.

"Hey, no lex before a fight!" said his trainer, and the Newfie put away the book.

The Old Messiah looked out the window and saw the flashing sign of a Seven ElevenTM store with a broken switch. A sudden yearning for a package of Big League ChewTM took over his soul, proving that even Messiahs are vulnerable to possession.


  1. There was more... less to this short chapter which was edited in and out over time as something that might be considered a working template for writers block. I didn't want to include it as a formal chapter, but since we have an opportunity to share and compare various aspects of the long history of the plot in this blog format, I will share the complete interlude that was originally in the manuscript between Parts 4 and 5:

    PART IV.M - Interlude One and Other Assorted Time Wasters

    Time sat in a Moebius spiral, going around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around and around..... well, you get the idea.

    By the way, your toaster's on fire.

    Don't accept Olympic coins on Ash Wednesday.

    "I predict the end of bagels!"

    Did you know a cosmic snowball is about to hit the earth?

    I'm not worried - upon entering the atmosphere, it'll melt and land on Porous Yeltsin's house.

    Unless it's a big snowball - like a comet...

    What? Porous Yeltsin's house is going to be hit by a household cleaner?

    Moon Runner Hendrix had an ingrown toenail when he was six.

    Always part your hair on the left.

    What, and give it separation anxiety?

    Why is your phone so butt ugly?

    Why couldn't the Romans invent a half decent decimal system?

    Or even a decimal system?

    Observe the peculiar shapes of paint.

    How can learning be deemed an achievement when it was learned before?

    Easy, a bunch of guys in black gowns got to-gether and decided to give people certificates for learning the same things they knew.

    This has obviously wasted enough of your time. We now return you to our regularly scheduled plot.

    {But maybe it hasn't! Maybe you have more time to waste! Maybe we're consigning you to an oblivion of purposeful activity! Maybe..}

    {Ah, shaddap!}

  2. So, the above would essentially be included as part 4.1000 which as we know would be superfluous and of course - along with zero - decimals were totally lost on the romans.
